Month Two


Is it possible month two went even faster than month one?

Sawyer is so much more alert these days. He spends a good portion of the day awake now and smiles and coos and interacts with us so much more. The newborn stage is truly almost over and while I’m sad, I’m excited to watch him grow!

He had his 2 month check up last week and it went well! He is 10lbs 7.5 oz, 22 in, and a 16 in head circumference. He was in only the 9th percentile for height and weight, but the 85th for head circumference! He got his second round of shots which wasn’t our favorite. He was pretty cranky for a few days afterwards, but we survived, and had lots of cuddles.

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He still loves his pacifier, car seat, mamaroo, and being worn. And still hates being cold, diaper changes, and wind.

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He’s really started smiling the last week or two and we love it. It’s the first real interaction we get to have with him, it’s so much fun! He’s also started appreciating colors, sounds, and shapes. He loves toys and mobiles!

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This past weekend we had our first trip out of town with baby! It was a learning experience and boy, did we have to bring a lot of stuff, but he slept the whole 3 hour car ride there and back! We went to the Brown Family Reunion and had a blast! We stayed in houses by a river and played volleyball, games, kayaked, paddle boarded, slack lines, and hung out with family. And we found he really likes to interact with other babies! Me and two of Kurtis’ cousins, and one of his aunts all were pregnant at the same time and had babies within two months of each other, so there were lots of babies his age for him to interact with! I even found that if he heard another one of the babies being fussy, he would start crying as well.


He also suffered his first injury while we were out of town. A family member was holding him in the yard when someone accidentally knocked a bike pump off of the porch and it hit him in the eye. It broke skin and was bleeding pretty good, but it looked a lot worse than it ended up being. Luckily, Kurtis’ cousin is a doctor and checked him out right away. He was such a trooper, I cried longer than he did!

I’m heading back to work next week and I’m heartbroken. While I love my job and am so blessed they’ve been so flexible, I’m so sad to leave him. It will be good to get out of the house and to contribute financially again, and to see all the members and my coworkers! I’m so thankful to have had the past 2 and 1/2 months to be home with him while I adjusted to motherhood and we go to know each other. I’m only working 3 days a week and Sawyer will go to either my mom or my mother in-law which is so great for so many reasons! I hope one day to be able to stay home but that time is not now.

I’m still exclusively breast feeding and Sawyer still has not been able to latch without the shield, but that’s okay. I don’t mind using it if it means we can breastfeed rather than pump. Although I do pump every night after he goes to bed to add to my freezer stash. I’ll be pumping more after I go to back to work in an attempt to keep him 100% on breast milk. So when I’m gone he’ll get the pumped milk in a bottle, and when I’m home he’ll still be breastfed. I’d like to avoid formula if I can. Although I have nothing against it, breastmilk is free and it’s best for him.

We sent out birth announcements last week! I designed them myself and was really happy with how they turned out. They were more expensive than we anticipated so we only sent them to family. So, I wanted to share here with the rest of you!

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He’s learning more and more every day. I can’t believe we’ve had our sweet boy for 2 months already. Here’s to month three!


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18 thoughts on “Month Two

  1. I am so glad Sawyer did well on his two-month check-up. I am blind so can’t see the pics, but your description of him cooing and smiling and all makes me so happy!


  2. He is sooo cute!!! I just wanna squeeze him! I am glad his first boo boo wasn’t too bad, though it sounds scary. Good luck with pumping when back at work…it is tough but I know you can do it! I did for 17 months! You got this mama!!


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