Diary of a Working Mom part 2: Getting Ready when you Have no Time

Welcome to part 2 of the Diary of a Working Mom series! Today, we’re talking about getting ready and looking presentable for work or other activities when your baby is screaming, you’re trying to put dinner in the crockpot, and fold last week’s laundry all at once. 

We’ve all had mornings like that.

I find I either look like I just stepped out of the salon, or like a homeless person. There is no in between.

But you know what? There should be an in between! Something between just rolled out of bed and prom night. For days where you don’t have much going on, but you still need to look presentable. And it was time I figured it out. I used to be able to take my time getting ready for work or church or whatever I was doing that day. I would straighten my hair, maybe even curl it! If I messed up my eyeliner I had time to wipe it off and start over! I could contour my face! What a time to be alive! 

But, gone are those days. Now, my mornings before work are hectic beyond belief. I’m trying to do a million things at once to get the dog walked and Sawyer and I out the door with everything we need for the day in hand. So my “me time” had to be cut in half. 

First of all, you should always shower the night before. This just makes good sense. Why get up to shower when you can sleep 20 extra minutes? Always, always pick sleep. To save myself time in the mornings, I usually shower the night before. That way, even if I am doing something with my hair, it is already clean and I don’t have to wait for it to dry (I have long, thick hair, naturally curly. Air drying it takes at least 2 hours, and blow drying makes it puff out like Kristen Wigg’s Gilly on SNL). Sometimes, if I get far enough ahead of the game, I can shower and straighten it the night before and then sleep for 40 extra minutes! 

Second, learn how to perfect the mom bun.  There are days when you’re just going to need it. It’s easy and it’s classy. Messy buns are a complete myth. You’ll most likely need a video tutitorial. At least, I did! I was completely incapable of making buns look cute and needed serious help. But, I found a video that helped me get it, and now I can throw my hair up in a bun in less than 60 seconds and not only does it look cute, but also somewhat professional. You can find my favorite tutorial here.

Third, get a simple make up routine down. I no longer have time to wing the tips on my eyeline and contour. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enhance my features and look pretty. I find, especially with my hair up, a simple eye and a bold lip do just the trick. Here’s what I use:

1. Face- Younique BB cream and Bare Minerals foundation

2. ELF eyeshadow

3. Maybelinne and Younique 3D fiber lash mascara – To get the best results, I reccomend using a coat of regular mascara under your 3D fiber lashes to really make your eyes pop.

4. ELF lip exfoliater and matte lipstick 

I use these products and I’m good to go! On a day where I have a special event, or more time, I’ll throw on some eyeline and blush, and spend some time contouring and all that wonderful stuff but most days I just want to get out the door looking presentable and pretty, with clean hair, in clothes that aren’t covered in spit up. 

Don’t forget you deserve that time to make yourself feel beautiful! It’s okay if the laundry doesn’t get folded until later because you took the time to get ready instead. No one should feel guilty for taking time for themselves! 

How do you maximize your time in the mornings? Do you have any tips or tricks for getting ready quickly? Comment below!


10 thoughts on “Diary of a Working Mom part 2: Getting Ready when you Have no Time

  1. I think maximizing my time in the morning is important and I’m single! Lol, I love a quick bun or ponytail though. Thanks for the tips!


  2. Mornings set the stage don’t they?! Your expressions are so spot on in these captures! Great job sharing. For me its all about getting a handle of the mornings to make everything else go smoothly. Lists and planning ahead are musts.


  3. I Love your post Katie and even though I am almost 66 I glean a lot of tips from you. I also use Younique products and not just because I am a presenter but because I tried them and became a presenter. I also use BB cream because it’s lighter and quick but looks fresh and I love 3-D lashes. I am still trying to find the perfect balance for eyeshadows with my wrinkles and my older skin coloring but I love your tips and thank you for your candor.


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